Sunday, 2 October 2011

Lets Agree To Disagree

Mum: 'Why r'nt u doin well at univ beta?'
Me: 'Cuz i neva wan'd to b an engr ma'

Mum: 'what did u want then, trolling around just like all those cousins of yours?'
Me: 'Stop it ma dont start at that again, I neva wan'd to b an engr cuz i wan'd to do sumthing... sumthing creative'

Mum: 'thats what engineering is, creative!! is'nt it? :-O'
Me: 'NO :#'

Mum: 'y not? engineers r meant to design things, inovate ideas, is'nt that all creation?? what else do u call creativity?? :s'
Me: 'this is the whole point, u neva kno what m tryin to say u think so differently :/'

Mum: ' :-O how can u say that, v think the same since the beginning :/... dont v both like "DAAL CHAWAL" like mads?? and "BERYANI" too... n still u think v think different :-S'
Me:....... Pause.

Any resemblance to me or you is creativly co incidental... no rights reserved u can sue me if u feel so.

The Awkward Silence

Every time in a couple fight, there would come a point when you feel like you would puke out if you have to bear even a single more minute of anger from the other side, and thus you warn your partner saying:

"Believe me, You think I am made of steel, but once my tolerance reaches its limit, I am gonna go totally outrageous and then you will be guilty and ashamed for pushing me this far"

While on the inside, you are actually afraid of the thoughts in your mind that if it happens to continue like this there might come a point when you become incredibely more calm. Yes, not outrageous because you don't know how to be that, but more calm, so calm that your own silence will make you feel awkward. 

The voice of a suppressed lover - things I do for love.