Wednesday 7 September 2011

Love is like Underwear.

Being with you makes me feel like I am in my underwear, and nothing else. Yes. Imagine yourself walking in your home all naked just in an underwear, your favorite underwear, no limits no bounds just being yourself completely and freely. Its a very comfortable moment, full of freedom. In an underwear, your worried less, careless and yourself. You might bother a little about how are other people going to think about it, and that might make you uncomfortable at some level, but isn't it the beauty of being yourself?? You don't bother what others think you do what you want to, what makes you feel good. You feel free, you are being your true self. And that is what matters even if your being naked a lil.

Loving You is the same thing for me. I would be myself, free, careless, comfortable and satisfied. And that is what matters for me i don't care what others think and i don't want you to think that too, as long as it makes both of us happy, lets roam around in our underwear, our favorite underwear, and nothing else.

p.s: the term underwear here means a lose short in which you are comfortable :p lov